30th Anniversary of CottageRental.com

It was June 1988
Cal Ripken plays his 1000th consecutive game, Brian Mulrooney is selling NAFTA to Canadians, Toronto comes of age as a global city as host of the G7summit, Nelson Mandella speaks at Freedomfest at Wembley Stadium in London, Mike Tyson KO’s Michael Spink in 91 seconds in Atlantic City, NASA scientist James Hansen testifies that man-made global warming has begun and CottageRental.com becomes the first business in Ontario to specialize in assisting vacation property owners with short term rentals.

Wow – impressive world events!
Well, the last one was most impressive for two young entrepreneurs about to launch a new business concept in Ontario. With backgrounds in the tourism industry in marketing and the evaluation/rating of commercial accommodation while employed at Tourism Ontario, Jan Field and Blain Taylor, joined forces and created “Cottage Country Management Services Inc.”

It seemed like a good idea at the time…
And from thirty years out, it appears they were right. No one else was acting as an objective, independent agent for private cottage owners, or for consumers interested in finding that perfect cottage rental – providing both interested parties in a secure and easy way to meet their objectives.
