Many of our cottages offer high speed internet access and/or WiFi for our guests’ convenience. Data usage in cottage country, however, is not always “unlimited” as we are often used to at home or in the city. Please be sure to check the Cottage Instructions for information about internet access and any limits or overage charges that may be applicable.
If there are limits on weekly data usage you may want to consider installing an App on your device (or devices) to avoid any unexpected charges after your stay.
Some Apps that you may want to look at include:
Data Usage for iPhones. A cool little app with all the essentials, including the ability to set alerts and time periods to match your billing cycle (or in this case – your cottage visit.) One nice feature it that is differentiates between cellular and WiFi data use.
My Data Manager for Android & iPhone. You can set limits and alerts for cellular data, WiFi and roaming. It also allows you to track the data usage of apps such as Skype and WhasApp and set limits for each. Your data usage is present in a nice, easy to ready graph format.
Data Monitor. For iOS and Android. Easy to use and install. You can set alerts for 3G, 4G and WiFi as well as percentage alerts so you’ll know when you are getting close to your limit.
Data Usage Defender for Android. Very comprehensive if you’re using an Android device.
These days some devices come with a built in tool for monitoring data usage. Just a reminder to make sure that everyone at the cottage knows about any data limits as the charges are cumulative – not per device.