Don’t put those flip-flops away yet!  2015 is the year of an extra week of summer.

How did that happen?  Well, every five or six years the calendar graces us with an extra week of summer with Labour Day falling on the latest possible day of September 7th and kids not going back to school until September 8th.  This won’t happen again until the year 2020.  So – let that sink in for a minute and then think of all the possibilities!

This is a great time of year to consider a cottage rental.  The days are often warm on the dock, the nights cool around the campfire and there are definitely fewer mosquitoes than those early days of summer.  The lakes are usually still holding on to some of their warmth from summer too – unlike those frigid polar bear dips we have in June (not that it seems to matter to most kids!)

Another bonus is that many of our cottages are on sale for the last week of summer holidays and with a Saturday – Saturday rental you can get back home and have a few days to unpack and get ready for the beginning of a new school year.

We look forward to helping you plan a special end for Summer 2015.